iCinematicFX is an application that allows you to :
1 - Import your photo from the photo library by pressing the photo button at the bottom left of your iPhone/iPad screen.
2 - Scroll horizontally at the bottom of your iPhone/iPad screen to choose your special effect :
1 - Lightsaber
2 - Lightning
3 - Energy Ball
4 - Heat Vision
5 - Fire Ball
6 - Muzzle Flash
7 - Water Ball
8 - Rain Manipulation
9 - Snow
10 - Night
3 - To change the size, rotation and color of your special effect, please press the settings button at the bottom right of your iPhone/iPad screen.
4 - To reset the size, rotation and color of your special effect, please touch and hold the close button at the bottom right of your iPhone/iPad screen.
5 - Export the photo with the special effect by pressing the camera button at the bottom center of your iPhone/iPad screen.
6 - Your photo with the special effect may contain white borders, please crop your photo.
7 - To record the application screen, please touch and hold the camera button at the bottom center of your iPhone/iPad screen and then press the record button.
iCinematicFX is an application created for special effects and cinema enthusiasts.